注册号: Registration number: |
ChiCTR1800016569 |
最近更新日期: Date of Last Refreshed on: |
2018-06-09 |
注册时间: Date of Registration: |
2018-06-09 |
注册号状态: |
预注册 |
Registration Status: |
Prospective registration |
注册题目: |
循环EPCs和内皮功能与冠心病Euro Score 评分关系的研究 |
Public title: |
The association between circulating EPCs, endothelial function and Euro Score in patients with coronary artery disease |
注册题目简写: |
English Acronym: |
研究课题的正式科学名称: |
循环EPCs和内皮功能与冠心病Euro Score评分关系的研究 |
Scientific title: |
The association between circulating EPCs, endothelial function and Euro Score in patients with coronary artery disease |
研究课题代号(代码): Study subject ID: |
在二级注册机构或其它机构的注册号: The registration number of the Partner Registry or other register: |
申请注册联系人: |
张斌 |
研究负责人: |
张斌 |
Applicant: |
Bin Zhang |
Study leader: |
Bin Zhang |
申请注册联系人电话: Applicant telephone: |
+86 15307501656 |
研究负责人电话: Study leader's telephone: |
+86 15307501656 |
申请注册联系人传真 : Applicant Fax: |
研究负责人传真: Study leader's fax: |
申请注册联系人电子邮件: Applicant E-mail: |
docbinzhang@163.com |
研究负责人电子邮件: Study leader's E-mail: |
docbinzhang@163.com |
申请单位网址(自愿提供): Applicant website(voluntary supply): |
研究负责人网址(自愿提供): Study leader's website(voluntary supply): |
申请注册联系人通讯地址: |
广东省江门市蓬江区海傍街23号江门市中心医院 |
研究负责人通讯地址: |
广东省江门市蓬江区海傍街江门市中心医院 |
Applicant address: |
23 Haibang Street, Pengjiang District, Jiangmen, Guangdong, China |
Study leader's address: |
23 Haibang Street, Pengjiang District, Jiangmen, Guangdong, China |
申请注册联系人邮政编码: Applicant postcode: |
研究负责人邮政编码: Study leader's postcode: |
申请人所在单位: |
江门市中心医院 |
Applicant's institution: |
Jiangmen Central Hospital |
是否获伦理委员会批准: |
是 |
Approved by ethic committee: |
Yes |
伦理委员会批件文号: Approved No. of ethic committee: |
20170419 |
伦理委员会批件附件: Approved file of Ethical Committee: |
查看附件View |
批准本研究的伦理委员会名称: |
江门市中心医院伦理委员会 |
Name of the ethic committee: |
the ethic committee of Jiangmen Central Hospital |
伦理委员会批准日期: Date of approved by ethic committee: |
伦理委员会联系人: |
郭林生 |
Contact Name of the ethic committee: |
Linsheng Guo |
伦理委员会联系地址: |
广东省江门市蓬江区海傍街23号江门市中心医院伦理委员会 |
Contact Address of the ethic committee: |
The ethic committee department of Jiangmen Central Hospital, 23 Haibang Street, Pengjiang District, Jiangmen, Guangdong, China |
伦理委员会联系人电话: Contact phone of the ethic committee: |
伦理委员会联系人邮箱: Contact email of the ethic committee: |
研究实施负责(组长)单位: |
江门市中心医院 |
Primary sponsor: |
Jiangmen Central Hospital |
研究实施负责(组长)单位地址: |
江门市蓬江区海傍街23号 |
Primary sponsor's address: |
23 Haibang Street, Pengjiang District, Jiangmen, Guangdong, China |
试验主办单位(项目批准或申办者): Secondary sponsor: |
经费或物资来源: |
其他 |
Source(s) of funding: |
other |
研究疾病: |
冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病 |
Target disease: |
Coronary artery disease |
研究疾病代码: |
Target disease code: |
研究类型: |
相关因素研究 |
Study type: |
Relative factors research |
研究所处阶段: |
其它 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Study phase: |
Other |
研究目的: |
探讨EuroSCOREⅡ评分对血管内皮祖细胞及内皮功能的影响,并进一步探讨其可能涉及的机制。 |
Objectives of Study: |
To investigate the effect of EuroSCORE II score on endothelial progenitor cells and endothelial function, and further explore the possible mechanisms involved. |
药物成份或治疗方案详述: |
Description for medicine or protocol of treatment in detail: |
研究设计: |
连续病例 |
Study design: |
Case series |
纳入标准: |
(1)25-75岁诊断冠心病60例,性别不限。 (2)无传染病、肝功能异常。 (3)近期(6月内)无脑梗塞、无消化道出血病史 |
Inclusion criteria |
(1) Aged 25 to 75 year old who was diagnosed coronary heart disease in 60 male and female; (2) No infectious diseases, abnormal liver function; (3) Recent history (within 6 months) of no history of cerebral infarction or gastrointestinal bleeding. |
排除标准: |
脑梗塞 严重感染 除外心肌病、肺心病、心脏瓣膜病、 近3个月内参加其他临床试验者;过敏体质或对试验药物已知成分过敏者。 |
Exclusion criteria: |
1.Cerebral infarction; 2.Severe infection; 3.Except for cardiomyopathy, pulmonary heart disease, valvular heart disease; 4.Those who participated in other clinical trials in the last 3 months; Allergies or allergies to known ingredients of the test drug. |
研究实施时间: Study execute time: |
从From2018-07-01至To 2018-12-01 |
干预措施: Interventions: |
研究实施地点: Countries of recruitment and research settings: |
测量指标: Outcomes: |
Collecting sample(s) |
征募研究对象情况: Recruiting status: |
尚未开始 Not yet recruiting |
年龄范围: Participant age: |
性别: |
男女均可 |
Gender: |
Both |
随机方法(请说明由何人用什么方法产生随机序列): |
根据Euro score评分高低进行分组 |
Randomization Procedure (please state who generates the random number sequence and by what method): |
The group were divided according to the Euro score |